Oklahomans For Responsible Water Policy

...science and sustainability for future generations.

Response to Proposed Settlement on Water Rights in Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation Lawsuit

After 5 years of negotiations between the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations with the State of Oklahoma and the City of Oklahoma City, we finally have a proposed agreement that we believe will actually preserve and protect our precious water resources in southeastern Oklahoma. We applaud the proposed agreement because it will promote sound water policy by using scientifically based practices to make sure adequate lake levels and stream flows are maintained.

Kiamichi River

Kiamichi River

The proposed agreement will protect our recreation economy so critical to the prosperity of our area. We have said all along that smart management of our water resources in southeastern Oklahoma can support a vibrant economy and environment both inside and outside the historic treaty territory.

Even though it is against Oklahoma law to transfer water out of state without legislative approval, we paid particular attention to how this agreement adds significant protections to keep Oklahoma water from leaving the state. While we appreciate the cooperation all parties showed in moving us toward greater stewardship of our water, we are exceptionally grateful to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations.

We know they played a major part in making sure science would drive this agreement. As an organization, our efforts will remain active and strong in promoting smart water management practices and sound water policy.

More can be found at www.waterunityok.com.

Updated: September 4, 2018 — 2:52 pm
Oklahomans For Responsible Water Policy © 2016